Model 3 - Maxton Design 밸런스 V.2 측면 몰딩



Product information:

– Made out of ABS
– The set consists of two elements: right and left, and a mounting kit
– Sill covers are available in 3 types of structure: textured, gloss, carbon imitation
– Gloss structure and carbon imitation are protected by a protective film
– UV protection coating
– No painting required (if you decide to paint the item, it is necessary to apply a primer before painting.)
– The set has stickers confirming the quality of the product

The production of side moldings is a complex process. The final stage of production is manual processing of products and their finishing. This proves the care and accuracy of the elements made. In addition, the quality control of products, which takes place just before they are shipped, ensures the elimination of defective products to a large extent.


안전한 배송 보장

당사는 검증되고 신뢰할 수 있는 택배 회사들과만 협력하며, 당사가 발송하는 모든 소포는 적절하게 포장되고 보험에 가입되어 있습니다.




미니 테슬

뉴스 액세스

아웃도어 및 기술

제품 카테고리

아크세리아 사모초도베

Model 3

Model Y

Model S

Model X